Words to STOP using in 2022!

Words to STOP using in 2022!

So often, we get to the end of a year, and we start thinking about what we want to do differently in the next. We consider weight loss, new jobs, working out, relationships, and self-care, just to name a few. But I would encourage you today that while all of these are...
We are Blessed!

We are Blessed!

Just behind Capernaum is the hill where it is believed Jesus preached His first sermon. The people gathered, hearing these life-giving words, hardly comprehending how this man could preach and teach with such compassion and authority.While Jesus started with the...
The Battle with Confusion

The Battle with Confusion

For years I battled with confusion. Every decision I needed to make seemed impossible, and my head spun with every possible answer. I listened to my family, friends, the world, and especially the enemy. This battle stopped me from ever moving forward, and I stayed...
There Was Another In The Fire

There Was Another In The Fire

Do you know the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendigo? They refused to bow down and worship King Nebuchadnezzar’s gods or his image of gold. Because of their refusal, they were thrown into a blazing furnace. And while the three men were in there, the King saw...
The Perfect Christmas

The Perfect Christmas

There was a time in my life when everything had to be perfect at Christmas. I needed our house to shine with the outdoor lights and to enjoy the real tree experience. My Christmas cards had to say just the right thing, and my cookies needed to be perfect. But little...

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