John 14:6
He is the way, the truth, and the life! 💢Stay Connected:💟Website:💟Podcast:💟Donate:...
The Heart
This is what my heart used to look like: little drawers where I would file away hurts, issues, offenses, and painful memories. And I would open these drawers, reopening the pain, reawakening the anger, and feeding the root of bitterness that had taken hold of my...
Stay Teachable
When I was a child, I loved to learn new things. I would run home to my Mom and tell her what I had learned that day. But as I grew up, I became more and more confident in what I knew and didn't like to be corrected or told that I was wrong. Pride slipped in, and I...
Paul writes in Romans 12:3 that God gifts each of us a measure of faith. To repeat, in case you missed it, faith is a gift. We then need to grow our faith by fellowshipping with the Lord and spending time in His Word until our measure grows and develops. We can then...
Even in the Storm!
Even in the storm. "I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth." ~ Psalm 34:1 💢Stay Connected:💟Website:💟Podcast:...
Three Little Words
Three little words that Jesus says to us and that we must say to others. "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." ~...
The Weight of Sin
I know what it feels like to feel the weight of my sin. It's heavy, and no matter where you go or how hard you try to change, it follows you everywhere. But there is good news! What Jesus did on the Cross frees us from the shackles of our sin and shame! "For the law...
A New Thing
It's time to let the Lord do a new thing! "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19 💢Stay Connected:💟Website:...
Our Prisons
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Are You Ready to be Renewed?
Oftentimes, we let our past mistakes and regrets define who we are. But that's because we don't let them go. We walk around, replaying over in our minds the would've, could've, and should'ves instead of living in the complete freedom that Jesus offers each of us. Are...