Luke 4:18-19

If Jesus were here today, in 2024 - I don't believe we would find Him in the churches. He would minister on the streets, in the prisons, healing in hospitals, and in the bars. When we read story after story in the Bible, Jesus met people right where they were, loved...

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I AM the Gate

This image is of a sheep pen where shepherds would keep their flocks. The shepherds would drive their sheep all day and then, at nightfall, keep them inside. But since there was no gate, the Shepherd would lay across the opening, keeping the sheep in and protecting...

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What Are You Carrying Today?

What are you carrying today? Is it the weight of the past, the overwhelming uncertainty of the future, or the consequences of your choices in the in-between? Whatever it is, there is hope. Jesus wants you to know that He is...

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Many things in this world can cause us to drift. Storms will come, world currents will change, and when we turn our eyes, our feet will follow. That's why staying focused on Jesus and the Truth of His Word is imperative so we do not drift away. Today, let us anchor...

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Matthew 7:26

Have you ever tried to build on the sand? It only takes one wave, and the structure's integrity is compromised. Jesus knew that we would have storms in our lives, and He knew that without a solid foundation, our houses would fall. Because there are times when it's not...

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We often create coping mechanisms to deal with our wounds. But we must realize we're exchanging one set of problems for another. We will only find true peace by giving our pain, past, and wounds to Jesus. He will restore, redeem, and make us brand new in Him....

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Thank you, Jesus

Hallelujah! "Our sins are washed away and we are made clean because Christ gave His own body as a gift to God. He did this once for all time." ~ Hebrews 10:10 NLV

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A Prayer for Today

Dear Lord, Thank you for today. Help me to remember that my worth is not made up of the things I own, but that I am Yours, created in Your image. Thank you for the many blessings You give me each day, and that You never let go of my hand. You are a faithful God, and I...

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