What Will We Choose?

Each morning we wake up, we have a choice: to follow this world's ways or God's Word. What will we choose? "Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think....

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How many times has someone hurt you with their words? It sometimes feels like it can be an everyday occurrence. But here's the thing: we hurt others with our words, too. We all sin; we all fall short of the glory of God. We can only try to continue to be more like...

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Breaking the Cycles

I shared yesterday about my Grandmother and how she prayed for her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. But this is only sometimes the case. We can see generations caught in sin and addiction, passing on the behaviors and struggles because they are...

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Keep Praying!

In January 2011, we lost my grandmother to Leukemia. She had battled hard for four years, but the morning of the thirtieth was taken up by angels to her heavenly home. She was a fearless prayer warrior and had prayed for each of her four children and her many...

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Don’t Give Up

I have stumbled. I have actually fallen, convinced that I would never get back up again and be able to move forward. But what I love about Jesus is His unconditional love. He forgives, and in His forgiveness, I am set free. Free to move forward into everything He has...

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The Weight of Words

At one time or another, we have felt the weight of the words said to us by others. Maybe things we've even told ourselves. After a while, the words are hard to scrub off, and it feels as if they've been tattooed on us to wear for the rest of our lives. But here's the...

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Struggling With Fear?

Are you struggling with fear? If so, you would not be alone. There are many people today filled with fear of the unknown. But here is where the struggle ends. Fear is not from God. When we trust in Him, the enemy cannot manifest in our lives because we have God's...

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Matthew 19:24

When people read this verse, this is what they see - a camel and a sewing needle. And while this is impossible, too, it may not have been the imagery Jesus was creating when He said these words. The Eye of the Needle was actually a narrow gateway into Jerusalem. Back...

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I battled with depression for years. The lows were so low for a while that I didn't want to get out of bed, do the dishes, or clean the house. I didn't want to do anything. Some days, I didn't even want to live. As someone who knows, depression is not something you...

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