Right on Time
Are you waiting on something today, something you've been praying for? Let me remind you that God is rarely early; He's never late but is always right on time. He's working everything according to your good, always aligning it with His Word. Trust in Him. "For...
The Helper
Did you know that God uses symbols to illustrate the Holy Spirit? Throughout the Bible, we see imagery of Fire, Wind, Water, a Seal, Oil, and a Dove. And while the Holy Spirit was a mystery to me for many years, and maybe is for you, the more I learn about Him, the...
While the Easter "celebration" may be over, it's time to live out what Jesus's death and resurrection mean to us - every single day. We have been restored. We have been redeemed. We have been reconciled back to the one who loves us. And when Jesus rose from the dead,...
Happy Easter!
Hallelujah! Let us rejoice to the world that our Lord is alive! He has overcome the grave, and we are free! Free from pain, free from death, free from sins. Praise His holy name! Have a beautiful Easter!God Bless!
Good Friday
Why is it called Good Friday? There was nothing good about the trial, the mocking, the flogging, the crown of thorns, or the nails that pierced His flesh. But let me remind you why. It was for us; our sins, our shame, we're the reason He was sent - to restore us to...
The Table
In the Old Testament, the altar ran red with the continuing sacrifices for the atonement of sin. Exodus and Leviticus share specific details God gave His people, and the many different offerings and sacrifices needed. Yet in the New Testament, we read of a table and a...
Have you ever wondered about the 30 pieces of silver that Judas received? In Hebrew culture, it was not a lot of money. But it was the amount of compensation paid to a master for a slave's accidental death. It was also revealed in Zechariah, prophetically, "And the...
Planting Seeds
Have you ever felt overwhelmed about sharing the gospel? Maybe it's even challenging to invite someone to church. I think it's because we make it too complicated. We believe the job is bigger than what it is. You see, our job is to plant the seed. Jesus talks about...
Holy Week
We have all felt brokenness. We've been betrayed, lied to, forgotten, passed by, and passed over. Unfortunately, this happens when living in a broken world with broken people. But when we lift our eyes and look past the brokenness, we see someone standing in the gap....
Happy Palm Sunday!
"Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" ~ Luke 19:38