Feelings & Emotions

Feelings and emotions. They can get the best of us. So how do we keep them in check? How do we navigate life daily, overcoming our flesh and trying to be more like Jesus? Let's pretend for a moment that our feelings are like a little child. Remember when you've been...

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Luke 5:4-10

Imagine for a moment Simon Peter and his job as a fisherman. He goes out at night when fishing is best - but cast after cast, he turns up nothing and worries about providing for his family. He plans and schemes and questions God - only to find his boat empty as the...

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What giants are in front of you today? What situation seems impossible for you to overcome? As we look in God's Word, we read how He has consistently moved throughout the generations before us: parting seas, winning battles, freeing those enslaved, slaying giants, and...

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The Potter

It's just clay until it's in the Potters Hands. Let Him create something beautiful in you!

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I know what it's like to feel how this picture looks. Your head is filled with confusion and racing thoughts while you feel pulled and weighted down with darkness. I battled depression and mental illness for 17 years, missing one truth - the battle was spiritual. I...

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Proverbs 18:10

Do you have something or someone you run to when you're having a bad day? Maybe it's a friend you can call or text. Maybe it's a food that has your name written on it when you're at the end of your rope. Or maybe you go to the cupboard, get out a glass, and pour...

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He is my Strength!

It's a new week. I know we all have days, maybe weeks when we're unsure how to keep going. We feel the weight of our struggles, family situations, jobs, and the world, and it would be easier to pull the covers over our heads and say, "Maybe tomorrow." Do you want to...

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The Window to the Soul

Did you know that your eyes are the window to your soul - your mind, will, and emotions? That's why we must be careful in what we allow our eyes to see. Jesus tells us in Luke 11:34-35, "Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your...

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Psalm 91

"When you abide under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High. 2 He's the hope that holds me and the stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence. 3 He will rescue you from every hidden trap of the enemy, and he...

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For many years I wanted God to rescue me, but I wanted it on my terms. I wanted Him to fix my life but keep my way of life intact. I didn't want to have to give up anything, and I didn't want Him to make any changes, just make it better. I didn't realize, and many of...

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