
His Love

It's not superficial. It's not temporary. It doesn't come with conditions, timelines, or empty promises. It's not because of how you look, where you were born, or where you went to school. It doesn't matter how much money you have or how little, whether you have a...

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A Prayer for Today

Father God, We thank You that we can freely approach Your throne, submit our prayers to You in Jesus' name, and that You hear us. So we come together as a body of believers, join our faith, and lift this prayer up to you today. Please forgive us our sins. Help us to...

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God’s Grace

It feels like so many times we live defeated. We add up all of our mistakes and second, third, and fourth chances, and we cannot believe God can love, forgive, and have great plans for us. I spent years with my head down, living with the weight of my choices, wanting...

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Stand Your Ground

When we read Ephesians 6:10-18, the Bible tells us how to fight against the enemy. We are given the armor of God and told to put it on to take our stand against the devil's schemes. Time and time again, it tells us to "stand": stand firm, stand your ground, stand....

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How We Should Pray

This, then, is how you should pray: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into...

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But God…

At the end of your rope, unsure you can take one more step? No matter your situation or where you find yourself today, there is nothing He can't do. Invite Him in. Allow Him to work and move. Let your story end with....

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Letting Go of People Pleasing

In the past, I struggled with people-pleasing. I like people to be happy, and I hated the thought of someone being unhappy with me. I used to go out of my way to make sure I hadn't disappointed someone with my words or actions and that I was doing everything I could...

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The Narrow Way

The world will tell you there are many ways that lead to Heaven. But that is a lie. You can't earn, work, buy, or fake your way there. You can't follow the crowds, take shortcuts, or win a golden ticket. The Bible says, "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the...

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Feelings & Emotions

Feelings and emotions. They can get the best of us. So how do we keep them in check? How do we navigate life daily, overcoming our flesh and trying to be more like Jesus? Let's pretend for a moment that our feelings are like a little child. Remember when you've been...

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Luke 5:4-10

Imagine for a moment Simon Peter and his job as a fisherman. He goes out at night when fishing is best - but cast after cast, he turns up nothing and worries about providing for his family. He plans and schemes and questions God - only to find his boat empty as the...

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