Jesus Will Make a Way
Don't lose heart! Even when the disciples thought there was no way, Jesus fed 5000 with only five loaves and two fish. He will make a way for you! 💢Stay Connected:💟Website:...
Did you know that there are 10,005 minutes in one week? That's not only 7 days, 168 hours, 604,800 seconds, but a whole lot of time. If we have all of this time, why does it feel like we are always behind? I know there's a lot to do: deadlines at work, groceries to...
James 4:7-10
When I think about James 4:7-10, I can confirm that these verses are true. For years, l lived my life separate from God. I chased the desires of my flesh, lived in a glass house for all to see, and my motivation for getting up in the morning was to prove to everyone...
Psalm 40:1-2
Wait patiently.He hears you and sees you.Let Him establish your steps. 💢Stay Connected:💟Website:💟Podcast:...
Three words can diffuse a situation and set you free, depending on your role: "I forgive you" and "I am sorry." Forgiving others can be a difficult thing. But Jesus said in Matthew 6:14-15, "If you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father...
Control is an allusion. It kind of looks like pulling on this rope. It feels like I'm doing something - that l'm participating and have a say in what's going on around me. But in all actuality, all I'm doing is pulling and becoming tired and holding onto the illusion...
Look Up
Look up, away from the fleeting moments of a broken world to where we'll live forever. Look up and trade your fears and anxiousness for His peace. Look up, trust, and believe in the One who holds the stars and calls them all by name. Look up to the One who is...
If we can remember God's Word, if we can tuck it away and stand on its truth as our solid foundation, it won't matter what problem comes against us. It won't matter what the enemy is attempting to do in our lives. It won't matter what scheme he comes at us with,...
The Slippery Slope of Sin
Why is it that kids LOVE mud puddles? I know mine did, and keeping them out, and clean was hard. But when I think about this image and what mud does, it reminds me of sin. It's so tempting that it draw us in until we want to sit down and just let go. But the problem...
Luke 11:1-4
One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples." He said to them, "When you pray, say: 'Father,hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.Give us each day our...