What Do Our Bible’s Look Like?
Charles Spurgeon wrote these words. He was a Baptist preacher who died in 1892. His words struck my heart and make me ask us today, "What do OUR Bibles look like?" If God's Word is our GPS while living in this broken world, if this is where we need to turn to for...
Each morning when we wake up, we have a choice-to follow our feelings or our faith. We have a choice to follow the world or God's Word. We can choose to grieve our circumstances or be grateful for another day. A choice to live in fear or trust in the One who is still...
Yes, He Does!
"If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." - Romans 10:9 💢Stay Connected:💟Website:...
Doubt. We have all experienced it. And in our human minds, we are always searching for proof. Thomas shows us this in the gospel of John. He was one of the twelve disciples not present when Jesus first appeared to them. "We have seen the Lord!" But he said to them,...
JOHN 13:12-17
12 "When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. 13 "You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord, and rightly so, for that is what I am. 14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher,...
It's easy to praise God when things are going well; when the job is right, when the marriage is strong, when we're not alone. But what about when life is tough; when the cupboards are empty, when you're struggling at work, when you're battling with the brokenness and...
We can walk in freedom! To lay down the suitcases of our past, step off our current path, and follow Jesus. He breaks chains, dries tears, forgives sin, and restores broken dreams. "If the Son sets you free you will be free indeed." ~ John 8:36...
Tempted to Stay
Have you ever been tempted? Whatever the temptation, it's never easy, but what if God is revealing to you it's time to move on from a season or situation, and you're tempted to stay? Staying could mean accepting that things will remain the same, no matter how...
Deep Waters
Nowhere in the Bible does it say we won't have storms in life. Actually, there are plenty of references to storms, deep water, raging seas, seasons of want, dry deserts, and times of great battle. But in every situation, God promises us that He will be there. He...
Fix Your Eyes
We could start this new week focusing on the problems at hand. The struggles. The questions. The unknown. Or we can choose to fix our eyes on the one who goes ahead of us and prepares the way. The one who loves us. The one who promises us abundant life. The one who...