
Prayer Wall

When I was in Jerusalem, I visited the Wailing Wall and left rolled up prayers in the cracks where I was standing. That wall is a beautiful image of what it looks like to constantly send up prayers to our Father in Heaven. Use this wall to leave prayers or praise as we live in the community and do this life together.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Mrs J

Kindly pray for my husband,my son, my daughter to be in Full Health

Mentally Physically Socially Emotionally and also prayers for their

longevity in life bless them with Peace Joy Prosperity and Happiness

In Mighty Jesus name we pray


Received: February 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Mrs J

Kindly pray for my Mom Dad, my brothers to be Healthy

Mentally Physically emotionally Socially and also bless them with

Longevity in life with Peace joy Prosperity and Happiness

In Mighty Jesus name we pray


Received: February 11, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Vic Nnamdi-Ronnie

Please God heal me of all diseases

Received: February 9, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


Praying the blood of Jesus, Gods protection & His divine intervention & favor upon Leland’s life. Praying for Lelands mental/ physical well being as he aligns with God’s Will as God provides resources for his every need & a Godly circle of family/friend support. Praying Leland reaches out soon for encouragement & support during this time of transition. God is Able!

Received: February 5, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Mrs J

Lord Jesus Heavenly father I beg you bless my son with High IQ , Social intelligence, Emotional

intelligence, Social skills for his job and work and at home bless my son how to behave at home job and

work Please straighten his Paths/future, bless him to get a good job with benefits I beg you Lord Jesus

Lord Jesus I beg you to remove his Face mask wearing habit and also come out of Therapy and Tutoring

enable my son to live and work and drive independently and lead a family life Lord Jesus remove his stress

strain relationship with his Parents I beg you Lord Jesus Lord Jesus I beg you to protect and safeguard my son when he

is at work and while he drives always I beg you Lord Jesus

Teach my son to talk and act Positively

Received: February 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Dear God,

Please I don't understand the entire this situation with Aik Hachatryan, it's horrible. I don't understand what's going on, I don't want to be his wife. And I don't know if he walks with Alyona now at the slovo zhizni church. I don't understand what's going on. And I feel completely lost and lonely in all this. I feel alone. And no pastor there supporting me. No Christian either. Is it a curse? Have I done anything wrong? On top of that I don't understand if I hear You Jesus correctly. Please if it's not Your Will keep him from me and cleanse me from any witch craft of Aik Hachatryan towards me ever and from anything that's not of You. Lord Jesus Christ I truly tried. And I'm truly tired and I kept crying ever day the entire 2023 and it was a horrible year.

Received: February 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


My prayers is that we can have more soul's to win in Christ, and church lot and building.

Received: January 30, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Lord Jesus Heavenly Father I beg you to prevent problems with my job extend my remote job and benefits and also help me retire at 50 Set me Free Jesus from loans and debts

Erase my loans and debts Lord Jesus I beg you Lord Jesus

Psalm23, Psalm 91, Psalm 121

Received: January 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.


My mom, sister & I have really been struggling going through many hardships and needing God's strength & healing please to help us through. Thank you so very much

Received: January 22, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Mrs lj

Lord Jesus Heavenly Father Mighty Saviour I beg you bless my son to get back to shape

I beg you to completely loose his belly fat bless and enable my son follow healthy food habits and maintain a healthy diet and healthy weight . Lord Jesus restore protect and keep son's hair and his youth I beg you Lord Jesus

Lord Jesus I beg you to bless my son with Robust Physical mental emotional and Social FITNESS and longevity in life with peace prosperity and joy I beg you Lord Jesus

Asking with Verses

Habukkak 2:2

Habukkak 1:5

Mathew 7:7-11

Psalm 23, Psalm 91

Luke1:37, Luke 18:27, Mathew 19:26,

In Jesus mighty name we pray


Received: January 22, 2024

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