Labels. We have all felt them. Often these "sticky notes" we struggle with the most are the ones we've gotten from the world. Something is said to us in passing, a diagnosis, a harsh word, a judgment or observation, and it sticks and never goes away. Let me tell you a...
His Love
When my children were growing up, I loved showing them love and making them feel safe. But I was also responsible for showing them the difference between right and wrong. I had to help point out areas where they were struggling and counsel them on their path. I had to...
The Lord Will Provide
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen!" Ephesians 3:20-21 Have a beautiful...
Have you ever put God in a box? I know I have. And when He's in the box, it's so easy to pull Him out when we need Him, when it's convenient, when it's in our timing and under our conditions. And when we do that, we limit what God can do in our lives. But God is so...
What Are You Carrying?
What are you carrying today? Is it the weight of the past, the overwhelming uncertainty of the future, or the consequences of your choices in the in-between? Whatever it is, there is hope. Jesus wants you to know that He is walking with you and wants to carry your...
Keep Moving Forward
If you've ever wondered where the devil wants you to be, this is it: stalled out on the side of the road. He's come to steal, kill and destroy and his goal is to distract you from God, taking you off His path, And he'll do whatever it takes to keep you from moving...
The Domino Effect
Have you ever played with or watched dominoes? I've seen some unique designs, and when you push that first one, they all come crashing down. This image reminds me of dominoes but also of the effect sin has on our lives. We can take great care in building our lives,...
Feeling Lost?
Have you ever looked at your current situation and asked, "How did I get here?" Whenever we're lost, it's always best to stop moving, figure out how off course we are, and make a plan. Below are some steps to get us back on course: 1. Admitting to God that we're lost....
The Word
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made." ~ John 1:1-3 ESV Have a beautiful Sunday!God Bless! Join...
Praise Him
It's easy to praise God when things are going well; when the job is right, when the marriage is strong, when we're not alone. But what about when life is tough; when the cupboards are empty, when you're struggling at work, when you're battling with the brokenness and...