Do Not Worry!

Do Not Worry!

The definition of worry is to give way to anxiety or unease, to allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles. To give way is to yield to something, to let something be or go first. So my question for you today is, are you allowing worry to be first in...
The Armor of God

The Armor of God

The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:12 that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. That means we face an enemy we cannot see and need to fight a battle, not with physical weapons and in our strength, but with...


I know it’s challenging. Maybe where you’re standing right now, it’s hard to understand how the problem can be fixed, how things can turn around, how it’s going to get better. But we need to remember, God’s perspective is different from...
What do OUR Bibles look like?

What do OUR Bibles look like?

Charles Spurgeon wrote these words. He was a Baptist preacher who died in 1892. His words struck my heart this week and make me ask us today, “What do OUR Bibles look like?” If God’s Word is our GPS while living in this broken world, if this is where...
What are we planting?

What are we planting?

I planted my garden last week. I was reminded of the importance of the seed and what we can grow. But not just with flower or vegetable seeds, but the seeds we are planting in the garden of our hearts. Are we planting peace, joy, and love? Or are we planting seeds of...

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