The Jar of Manna

The Jar of Manna

So why do you think God wanted the manna in a jar? Could it be that He desired the generations to come to have a reminder of how He had provided for His people in the desert? It would be a great conversation starter, wouldn’t it? “What’s in the...
Good News!

Good News!

Jesus was sent into this world to destroy the works of the devil, to bring His peace to the chaos, and to be victorious over sin and death so we could have eternal life! And that’s precisely what He did! While it may seem challenging now, our God IS faithful and...
Live as people who are FREE!

Live as people who are FREE!

I lived 17 years in bondage. The enemy of my soul had me so distracted, confused and believing the lies that I walked around used to the chains that bound me. They were familiar, almost comfortable, and after that much time, a part of me. But what I didn’t...
What if?

What if?

Sometimes the waves of “what if’s” roll on us endlessly.What if I can’t make my mortgage payment?What if my marriage doesn’t last?What if unemployment doesn’t come in time?What if I get sick?What if we go into lockdown again?What if...

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