

For many years I wanted God to rescue me, but I wanted it on my terms. I wanted Him to fix my life but keep my way of life intact. I didn’t want to have to give up anything, and I didn’t want Him to make any changes, just make it better. I didn’t...

Colossians 1:17 TPT

“He existed before anything was made, and now everything finds completion in him.” Colossians 1:17 TPT What does this verse mean? Not only is Jesus responsible for creating all things, but He is also the reason all things continue to exist. This verse in...


If you asked a gardener when they prune their fruit trees, they would say, “in the early spring, before buds breakthrough and while trees are still dormant.” Farmers and gardeners prune for many reasons. Not only does this allow sunlight to enter the...


So many times, our situation can appear a certain way, and our imagination takes over. We go down this trail of “what-if,” and we try to gather all the pieces of evidence. But what is happening is that we have taken our eyes off Jesus and have laid down...

The Real Enemy

We lock our doors, set our alarms, and switch on our motion sensors – trying to protect our homes and families from unwanted intruders. But are we being as diligent with all of our enemies? Are we experiencing the dominion, authority, and peace we are promised...

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