Dependent Living in an Independent World

Dependent Living in an Independent World

I think the first words out of my mouth were, “I can do it.” I wanted to get dressed, tie my shoes, and ride my bike by myself.But the challenging part about growing up to be self-reliant and wanting to do everything on your own is learning to be dependent...
Prayers for our Children

Prayers for our Children

All of us either have children, grandchildren or know of someone who does that are going back to school. It has never been more critical than now to stay committed to praying for our children. They face the same battle we do each day, but they are not capable of...
Do you know Him?

Do you know Him?

Here are some of His many names…AlmightyI AMJehovah JirehAdonaiMasterYahwehThe Ancient of DaysThe Son of ManThe Alpha and OmegaConsuming FireThe PotterFatherRockSaviorLORDThank you, Lord, for this day! We praise You and lift Your name high! Amen
Are you Ready?

Are you Ready?

If Jesus came tomorrow, are you ready? Is it well with your soul? Nothing you are working on right now, struggling with, saving for, or scheduling is as important as knowing to Whom you belong. Before you do one more thing, make sure you know Jesus as your Savior. You...
What Keeps You Silent About FAITH?

What Keeps You Silent About FAITH?

It can seem “scary” to live your life as a Christ-follower, especially when you’re surrounded by those who don’t. But fear comes from the enemy, and he does not want you the share the good news about Jesus. I want to encourage you today not to...

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