Praise Him in the Storm

Praise Him in the Storm

How do we praise God in the storm? How do we praise Him when we look at the world today and see and feel the brokenness? We remember that God loves us. We remember His promises. We remember His faithfulness and what He has been doing to restore us to Himself. When we...
Words Have Power

Words Have Power

Today, I want to remind you that we are created in God’s image, with a creative spirit. That means that what we say out loud matters. As we read Genesis, we read that God spoke the world and everything in it into existence. And it was good! Let our words be full...


What are you facing right now that seems impossible to overcome? Finances? A struggling marriage? Health issues? A chronic diagnosis? I’ve been there. There was a season in my life where I battled each one. But when I surrendered my life to God, when I trusted...
Do Not Fear

Do Not Fear

When I was younger, I used to be afraid of the dark. My imagination would run wild, and I would conjure up things that might be hiding under my bed and in my closet. My heart would race, and my palms would get sweaty, and I would pull my covers up high over my...
Sing a little louder!

Sing a little louder!

Have you ever heard of praise as a weapon? In 2 Chronicles 20, we read that a vast army was coming against King Jehoshaphat. But before they arrived, the King went before the Lord and asked Him for help. And this is what the Lord said: “You do not have to fight...

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