All the Pieces

All the Pieces

I’m not sure if we learn it from culture or it’s our natural human instinct to hold on. I know for me, I’ve clung to old pictures, memories, people, mistakes I’ve made – far longer than I should have, collecting the pieces of brokenness...
A Slow Fade

A Slow Fade

It doesn’t take much to walk off the path. We can easily get distracted by something, turn our eyes, and our feet will follow. As easy as it is to change direction, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to return. And it doesn’t have to be moving toward...


Don’t miss this! So many moments in our lives, we find ourselves trapped in our brokenness, shame, and regret – living as slaves to sin. But when Jesus died on the cross, our old self was crucified with Him so that we would no longer be slaves to sin but...

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