Sing a little louder!

Have you ever heard of praise as a weapon? In 2 Chronicles 20, we read that a vast army was coming against King Jehoshaphat. But before they arrived, the King went before the Lord and asked Him for help. And this is what the Lord said: “You do not have to fight...


“Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?'” – Matthew 18:21-22How about you, my friends? Are you havingtrouble forgiving someone, maybe even one time?...

Not Guilty!

Have you been struggling with a guilty verdict? Have you believed that there is no forgiveness for you and you’re just too far gone? My friends, the debt has been paid! Jesus died while we were still sinners, and we are forgiven! We are a new creation in Him,...

Friday’s Thought for the Day:

I love the way Paul describes how we wait for our new bodies in Heaven. He compares our earthly bodies to tents, waiting for our buildings from God. We could take this imagery one step further and say that we have this reversed so many times.We like to build our...

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