Nehemiah 9:6

“You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.” ~ Nehemiah 9:6...

You are NOT defined by your…

Job Past Circumstances Mistakes Sin When we believe in Jesus, and He is living in our hearts, we are who He says we are:Children of the Most High King. Chosen Forgiven Free Just in case you needed this reminder...

He is my Strength!

It’s been a busy month. When I look back over April, it’s the kind of pace I am feeling today. I know we all have days, maybe weeks when we’re unsure how to keep going. We feel the weight of our struggles, family situations, jobs, and the world, and...


It may be tempting to look to the world for answers, to look for signs, sayings, and to the stars to find our truth. But every time, we will come up empty. Only one truth can satisfy our hearts, fill the void, and answer every question – God’s Word.

The Cross

We have all felt brokenness. We’ve been betrayed, lied to, forgotten, passed by, and passed over. But unfortunately, this is what happens living in a broken world with broken people. But when we lift our eyes and look past the brokenness, we can see someone...

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