1 Corinthians 15:33

In this passage, Paul is talking to the Corinthians. They are being influenced by the Saduccees and non-believers who did not believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul is telling them not to be deceived. This is a powerful Word for us today. We are called to...

Our Foundation

We often don’t think about our foundation in the typical day-to-day. Life is good when the sun shines, and the horizon is clear. But it’s when the storms come that it tests what we’ve built our life on and what is our foundation of truth. After Jesus...

Letting Go of Idols

What is an idol? Its definition is an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship. It’s anything we put before God and value and count on more than we do God Himself. The Bible is clear about what idols are. Psalm 135:15-18 reads: “The...

365 Times

That’s the number of times “Do Not Fear” is in the Bible. It’s as if God knew we would need to be reminded every day. As we start this new day, let those words wash over you, and know that there is no fear in the Lord. “Even when I walk...

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