The Bride

Growing up, I was always confused when we discussed the bride of Christ. “Who was the bride?” “When is she getting married?” “Who is she marrying?” These were just some of my questions. But it wasn’t until the last couple of...

Let Your Light Shine

We can see the brokenness of this world all around us. And yet we have been called to be set apart. But are we living that way? What are we saying? What are we watching? What are we participating in? How do we do business? What do we do behind our closed doors? How...

Follow Jesus

This verse isn’t about sitting on the sidelines. It’s filled with action: Come after Deny Take up Follow Are you ready?

The True Enemy

We lock our doors, set our alarms, and switch on our motion sensors – trying to protect our homes and families from unwanted intruders. But are we being as diligent with all of our enemies? Are we experiencing the dominion, authority, and peace we are promised...

Sunday Blessing

Have a blessed Sunday, my friends! “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” ~ Numbers 6:24-26

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