Letting Go of People Pleasing

In the past, I struggled with people-pleasing. I like people to be happy, and I hated the thought of someone being unhappy with me. I used to go out of my way to make sure I hadn’t disappointed someone with my words or actions and that I was doing everything I...

The Narrow Way

The world will tell you there are many ways that lead to Heaven. But that is a lie. You can’t earn, work, buy, or fake your way there. You can’t follow the crowds, take shortcuts, or win a golden ticket. The Bible says, “You can enter God’s...

Feelings & Emotions

Feelings and emotions. They can get the best of us. So how do we keep them in check? How do we navigate life daily, overcoming our flesh and trying to be more like Jesus? Let’s pretend for a moment that our feelings are like a little child. Remember when...

Luke 5:4-10

Imagine for a moment Simon Peter and his job as a fisherman. He goes out at night when fishing is best – but cast after cast, he turns up nothing and worries about providing for his family. He plans and schemes and questions God – only to find his boat...


What giants are in front of you today? What situation seems impossible for you to overcome? As we look in God’s Word, we read how He has consistently moved throughout the generations before us: parting seas, winning battles, freeing those enslaved, slaying...

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