
Keeping Score

Did you know that God doesn’t keep score? He doesn’t add up all the things we’ve done wrong and the mistakes we’ve made. When we ask for and receive His forgiveness, “he has removed our sins as far from us as the East is from the...


Scars. We all have them. There are the physical ones, like when my Uncle’s motorcycle fell over on me and left a mark on my ankle. I have one on my wrist where they removed a cyst. And the one on my abdomen where they went in for laparoscopy surgery. These can...


I don’t know about you, but I’m a planner. I love having a plan and all the details to execute it. But what I am learning is that sometimes the perfect plan can’t be in place, won’t be in place, when God asks us to take a step in faith. As much as we would all love...

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