Isaiah 60:1

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” Isaiah 60:1 Have a beautiful Sunday!God bless! 💢Stay Connected:💟Website:💟Podcast:💟Donate:...


At this time of year, we talk about it. We sing songs about it. But we have to ask ourselves the question, “Do we have joy?” It’s the kind of joy He came to bring us so many Christmases ago, an everlasting joy. It’s not dependent on our circumstances...

John 10:10

It’s time to believe these red letters of Jesus. How can our enemy (the devil) steal, kill and destroy? He can steal our peace and joy. He can kill our relationships. He can destroy our health. Let us rebuke the enemy, trust in our precious Savior, and believe...

The Star

I’ve never followed a star like the wise men, but l’ve prayed to see one, and God answered my prayer. After my 8-hour day of prayer in 2013, I felt different. I felt like I no longer had Bi-Polar Disorder. I was told that I could never go off my...

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