It Is Finished!

What are you carrying today that needs to be nailed to His cross? That’s why He came: to take on the sin of the world and demolish the works of the enemy. Because of His death and resurrection, we can lay down our pain, past, shame, bitterness, regret, and old...

Prayer Changes Things

I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed – to look at our situations and believe they will never change. And to say out loud, “There’s just no way.” But I want to encourage you today and say there IS a way – and it’s activated by...

A Fork in the Road

Have you ever come to a fork in the road? Well, not a literal fork, but a place in your life where you’ve had to stop and choose your next direction. What do you do to decide? Do you draw straws, check the weather and radar, or ask a friend? What about praying...


Have you heard the saying, “Pride goeth before a fall?” It’s actually a Proverb; Proverbs 16:18 says: Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” And it’s true; at least, it was in my life. I had so much pride that I...

The Burning Bush

Has there ever been a burning bush in your life? Something that made you want to take a closer look? One day, Moses was tending sheep and saw a burning bush that did not burn up. As he approached, God spoke to him. “When the LORD saw that he had gone over to...

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