A family holding hands in front of the lord.

When I was eleven years old, my parents got a divorce. This was devastating for me, and though I didn’t show it on the outside, it shaped my young heart in ways I wouldn’t understand until I was much older and had a family of my own. Love for me was not the “greatest of these,” and I couldn’t possibly see God’s restoring love in my parents’ lives – until one Easter Sunday. Fast forward 36 years to one spring afternoon when everyone was over for Easter dinner and celebrating my daughter’s birthday. Shortly after everyone arrived, I looked over and saw my mom hugging my step-mom and my dad hugging my mom, and my mom hugging my grandma. It was an authentic, real love that had Jesus written all over it, and at that moment, I knew – God does restore! It is not always in our timing, but it is so sweet when it comes. His love CAN do all things! Do you believe that today? If you don’t, hold onto this image. And if you want to see your situation change, start praying fervently to the Lord and trust that restoration will come in His timing and for His glory. Amen!

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