A green square with the words pause and selah written underneath it.

It’s been a busy month. When I look back over April, it’s the kind of pace I am feeling today. I know we all have days, maybe weeks when we’re unsure how to keep going. We feel the weight of our struggles, family situations, jobs, and the world, and it would be easier to pull the covers over our heads and say, “Maybe tomorrow.”
Do you want to know how I keep going? It’s God. He is my strength. He is my why. He is why I keep stepping out one step at a time, especially when it’s hard, when I’m tired, and when the enemy keeps shouting, “JUST GIVE UP!”
Today, I want to encourage you to get up, tell the enemy to shut up, and take another step forward. Allow the Lord to be Your strength and YOUR why! Sending prayers and love!

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