A young girl is holding a hose and smiling.

Imagine a young girl sitting on her bike, ready to take on the world. She has a contagious and carefree smile and is concerned only about where she will go next. She had her mom gather her hair quickly into a ponytail before she raced out the door, ready to take on an adventure. She didn’t care what anyone thought, and she knew without a doubt that the Lord loved her unconditionally. I loved this girl. She was truly authentic!

So what happened to this girl? She grew up. She started caring about her appearance, what the scale said, and what people said about her, and she doubted that the Lord could love her after everything she had done. She left God’s path and wandered for years in the wilderness of life. But one day, many years later, she cried out to Him, surrendering her life, turning over her brokenness – wanting to be His once again.

If this is you today, it’s not too late. Only Jesus can affirm who you are, love you unconditionally, and help you be all He has designed you to be. He will forgive your past and restore your life. All you need to do is step out in faith and believe. If you’re ready, read this prayer below:

Father God,

I know I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is your son. I believe He died for my sins, and You raised Him to life. I believe the Holy Spirit is my Helper and lives inside me. I believe in Your word and need to renew my mind with it every day. I believe that I am created in Your image, and that You love me. I want to trust Jesus as my Savior and follow Him every day from this day forward.

In Jesus’ name,

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