In 1996 I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder. This is a mental illness that swings you between periods of highs and lows. I struggled with this illness and the consequences of my actions for 17 years. But in 2013, after an 8 hour day of prayer, Jesus completely healed me and set my feet on a brand new path. Since then, I have been telling my story to the world and reminding everyone I meet that Jesus is bigger than the struggles we face. He’s bigger than depression. Bigger than anxiety. Bigger than Covid.
All this month, we will take time to recognize the struggles we face and remind ourselves that there is HOPE! There will not only be unique devotionals, but you’ll want to watch “The Chair” for a special month of renewing our mind and refocusing our attention on Jesus.
If you are struggling, reach out and let someone know – let me know! The enemy loves to isolate us and make us feel completely alone. But you are not alone! Sending prayers and love today, all this month, and always!

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