A smoke background with the word " john 8 : 1 2 ".

Prison cells. There are many different types. We often think of prison as a place to serve out the punishment for our crimes. But there are other prisons we can live in – trapped behind bars and not even aware. I happened to live for many years in a prison of depression and lies I believed from the enemy. I wasn’t so much focused on my sin or the punishment that I should be receiving, but I was a prisoner of my mind. I had no freedom. I was handcuffed to the mental illness, racing thoughts, and the consequences of living with it each day.
What’s another form of imprisonment? What about addiction? There is no freedom in addiction because you are tied to when you are going to get that next fix, next drink, or that next image that is somehow going to fill the hole in your heart and the emptiness you are feeling. Whether you believe it or not, you are a prisoner confined to a cell like this.
Prison cells. There are many different types. But whatever it is that is keeping us behind bars, it ultimately keeps us from walking in the fullness of everything God promises us in his Word. We miss out on the joy, peace, forgiveness, health, and freedom He wants us to walk in each day. If you are struggling today, feeling trapped behind bars of addiction, depression, and sin – remember, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1
What Jesus did on the cross was enough. It is finished. Live as people who are free.

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