Still In Over My Head


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While “In Over My Head” was Ammie’s first book, showcasing her 17-year journey with bipolar disorder, bankruptcy, divorce, and struggle as a single mom, it also shares her miraculous healing, appearing on The 700 Club, and ends with her starting For His Glory Ministry. But now, in this updated and expanded version, we read the rest of her story. How God continues to astound her with His faithfulness and new adventures and how He’s moving today. She’s self-published 13 more books since 2017, became a Reverend, and now preaches and teaches around the world. After you read this book, you’ll learn how she’s still in over her head, but in a totally different way. To learn more about Ammie and For His Glory Ministry, download their FREE Ministry APP or go to

“I loved this book! It was very honest and open regarding her struggles growing up and also in marriage and how she trusted God and saw his faithfulness in her life.”

“A raw and powerful insight into one woman’s journey back into the arms of God. Brilliant reading!!”

“Ammie knocks it out of the park with this touching and heartfelt memoir. Through her experiences and healing, the character of God leaps off of the pages. This is a non-stop, cannot-put-it-down, life-changing view of the God who is, was, and will always be!!”


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