A person holding a pair of scissors with the words " psalm 1 5 1 : 2 " on them.

If you asked a gardener when they prune their fruit trees, they would say, “in the early spring, before buds breakthrough and while trees are still dormant.” Farmers and gardeners prune for many reasons. Not only does this allow sunlight to enter the center of the tree, but it also encourages new shoots, improves the tree’s strength, and reduces the potential for disease.

So why must we allow God to prune us? Because He needs to cut back our dead branches so He can do something new. He must cut away at our old way of thinking, the lies we’ve believed, and the faulty foundation on which we’ve been trying to stand. Being pruned is not easy. But when we remain in God’s love and allow Him to do this work in us, we will bear much fruit and have a joy that we have never known.

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