I think over the years, I’ve had trouble with receiving. To this day, I’m still not good at accepting compliments, gifts, or gestures. But I’m working on it. What about you? When we ask ourselves this question, we have to go deeper than just the physical things in this world. What about gifts from God?For me, I have too easily forgotten that what God has already done through Jesus’s death, burial and resurrection allows me to receive everything God wants to give me. I don’t need to pray for God to give me forgiveness, healing, and salvation. That’s already been done. Jesus doesn’t have to die on the cross every time I sin. I need to receive His forgiveness, healing, and salvation. I need to open up my heart and hands and take the gift. Receive. Repent. Return. There’s never anything wrong or delayed on God’s end; it’s always on my end with the receiving. As we start this new week, let’s RECEIVE every promise that the Lord wants to give us. And what a gift that is! Amen

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