A little girl running down the middle of a road

I ran everywhere as a child. I embraced the truth and knew that the Lord was with me, and I ran to Him always. But when I became an adult, it seemed harder to believe. I tried managing on my own, feeling the weight of the world, operating in the flesh, and never ran anywhere – except from Him and my sin.

This image and these verses are what our relationship should look like – running to the arms of Jesus, trusting in Him alone, believing He will save us. Let this be our prayer today.

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“I run to you, LORD, for protection. Don’t disappoint me. You do what is right, so come to my rescue. Listen to my prayer and keep me safe. Be my mighty rock, the place where I can always run for protection. Save me by your command! You are my mighty rock and my fortress. Come and save me, LORD God, from vicious and cruel and brutal enemies! I depend on you, and I have trusted you since I was young. I have relied on you from the day I was born.”

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“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

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