A day I will never forget is March 22, 2013. I arrived at 10:00 am for a day of healing and didn’t leave until after 8:00 pm. I walked in looking like a woman who had been on a yearlong trip, with all my suitcases and baggage – and walked out carrying only my purse.
It had taken all day, but the bitterness, resentment, fear, shame, guilt, and confusion I had been carrying all those years was gone. I laid them all down at the foot of the cross. I allowed God’s truth to wash over every fiber of my being, so I would never pick up those suitcases again. He started with the one lie that had done the most damage, so I went back to the beginning, 43 years earlier, on that warm day in June. It wasn’t by accident that I had been born. Even though my parents were young and without a plan, God had a plan, and it included me. I would no longer believe that I was anything but chosen and loved by God.
Today, whatever you’re carrying, whatever lie YOU are believing, it’s time to lay those suitcases down. You are chosen and loved and meant to be free! Amen!

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