A man standing on top of a hill with mountains in the background.

When I look through the Bible and scan every page, there is no greater example of suffering with obedience and joy than our Savior, Jesus Christ. He knew that He would suffer and die for our sins, yet He continued to walk toward the cross without hesitation and leaned into His Father for wisdom and direction. He fell to the ground in the garden of Gethsemane and prayed earnestly, dripping blood and overwhelmed with sorrow: “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” ~ Matthew 26:39

And when the answer was no – that Jesus would need to drink the cup for all humanity – He stood up and reached out for it with both hands. He wasn’t dragged, kicking, and screaming. He wasn’t angry with His Father. He didn’t pull away from His Father’s love.

How many times have I cried, “Take this from me, Lord!” How many times have I asked the question, “Why?” How many times have I distanced myself from God because I was angry and no longer wanted the cup that was before me? Too many to count. If I could pray only one prayer, it would be that I could walk wherever God asks me to go, regardless of the struggles that I may endure, and be faithful and obedient in the journey, no matter the cost.

Today, as we look to the cross, let our words and actions show our gratitude for the cup Jesus drank on our behalf. He was the only one that was worthy. And because of His love, it is finished! Hallelujah!

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