A collection of drawers with the numbers 1 1 9. 1 1 on them

This is what my heart used to look like: little drawers where I would file away hurts, issues, offenses, and painful memories. And I would open these drawers, reopening the pain, reawakening the anger, and feeding the root of bitterness that had taken hold of my heart. But this is not how we were designed to live, not as enslaved people filled up on yesterday’s pain.

The Bible tells us in Psalm 119:11, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” What would it look like to empty these drawers of the hurts, issues, offenses, and painful memories and fill them with God’s Word – overflowing with love, forgiveness, peace, and joy? We would be different people and live in the freedom we are promised when we have Jesus in our hearts-praying that you experience that today! â¤ï¸

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