Why is it that kids LOVE mud puddles? I know mine did, and keeping them out, and clean was hard. But when I think about this image and what mud does, it reminds me of sin. It’s so tempting that it draw us in until we want to sit down and just let go. But the problem is that even a little mud makes a mess. It sticks to things, spreads to other areas, and before we know it, it’s everywhere.
Sin is a slippery slope. And when we don’t keep our actions in check, when we don’t look closely at our lives and make sure that everything we are doing aligns with God’s word, before we know it, we can get off track. We can slip off the path, and what’s left is a muddy mess.
Today, ask God if you have any mud puddles in your life. If so, allow Him to pick you up, wash you off, and help you return to His path.
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