Have you ever wondered about the 30 pieces of silver that Judas received? In Hebrew culture, it was not a lot of money. But it was the amount of compensation paid to a master for a slave’s accidental death. It was also revealed in Zechariah, prophetically, “And the LORD said to me, ‘Throw it to the potter’–the handsome price at which they valued me! So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them to the potter at the house of the LORD.” And it came to pass in Matthew 26:15, and Judas asked, ‘What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?’ So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver.”
I think about this now and wonder how many times we have denied Jesus and “sold” his gift of love for so little of an amount. Judas, overcome with guilt, recognized his egregious error and threw the coins back into the temple, but it was too late. But it’s not too late for us. Because of what Jesus paid for us, we can repent, receive His forgiveness, and return to Him. Hallelujah!
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