Waiting is hard. And all of us right now are waiting for something today. Maybe you are waiting for a job. Maybe you are waiting for your marriage to change, waiting for healing, for the sickness to pass. Perhaps you’re waiting for a relationship with your children to change – for them to come home. Maybe you’re waiting for the grief to subside because you have lost someone you loved. Perhaps you’re waiting for something, and only God knows. Whatever it is, it’s hard to wait. And nobody likes to wait because we never know how long we will be waiting.So what does it look like to wait on God? What does it look like to put aside our timetables, flesh, and desires and wait for His next move?Several years ago, God gave me a verse. It’s Psalm 46:10 – “Be still and know that I am God.” I wrestled with these words because I was not one to be still. Instead of trying to make things happen, He wanted me to hope in Him and actively trust in Him – and to do that meant every day I needed to be still and wait for His direction. I needed to intentionally spend time with Him, reading His word, praying to Him, believing in faith that He wants only good things for me. And that ultimately He knows exactly what I need, even in those moments when I don’t but think I do.I would encourage you today that whatever you are waiting for, God knows. Trust in His plan and His perfect timing, and believe that He only wants good things for you. And praise Him while you wait. He loves that – and you!

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