Fear. Everywhere you look right now, there is fear. And as I listen to the current events around the world and look to the days ahead, my question is how. How will we move forward, Lord? How will You make a way? How will this work? But as I asked these questions, one word came to me: wisdom. When we look at Colossians 1:9-14, Paul is talking to the people of Colossae. He tells them that he has never stopped praying for them and continually asks God to fill the people with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. We need to remember that fear inhibits our ability to grow in the knowledge of God. The enemy uses fear to trap us in a moment and keep us from moving forward. But when we ask God for wisdom and truth, we cancel the enemy’s plans and share in the inheritance of God’s Holy people. Hallelujah! Today, do not fear and put your trust in the Lord. Ask Him to give you His wisdom and knowledge. May we never stop asking.

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