A torn piece of paper with words have power written on it.

I want to remind you today that we are created in God’s image, with a creative spirit. That means that what we say out loud matters. Remember, God spoke the world into existence. God’s original word was formative, and the words we speak as His image-bearers are essential too.

So what are we speaking out loud? The writer of Proverbs tells us, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

We need to remember that when the Word of God is in our hearts and on our lips, we have the power over depression, disease, and yes – over demons – and we can walk victoriously in our lives with joy!

Father God,
Help me to be mindful of what I say out loud. Let me only speak life-giving words over myself and others.
In Jesus’ name,

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