So often, we get to the end of a year, and we start thinking about what we want to do differently in the next. We consider weight loss, new jobs, working out, relationships, and self-care, just to name a few. But I would encourage you today that while all of these are important to consider, what about changes we need to make in our spiritual lives? What mindsets stop us from living the kind of life we are promised in God’s Word? Part of our trouble is how we talk about our circumstances and describe our lives. We use words like defeated, broken, and unforgiven, not even realizing that these words do not align with God’s Word and only give glory to the one who is causing us to feel this way – the enemy of our soul. We are creative beings, created in God’s image, and we need to align our lives and speak out only what God says about us.As you consider the changes for the new year, think about getting rid of the negative self-talk. Find out what God says about you and speak out those life-giving words. We are victorious, forgiven, known, and loved.  Let us carry these words into the new year! Amen

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