Army of Angels

Can you imagine an Army of Angels? We read about them in 2 Kings Chapter 6. A war is happening between Israel and Syria. The prophet Elisha informs his people of the enemy’s tactics prophetically, and his servant panics. Elisha prays to the Lord, and we read in...

Jehovah Jireh

We can work through our list of “what-if’s” and worry about tomorrow. We can try and do it in our strength and make it come together on our own. Or, we can trust the One who promises to provide and knows us better than we know ourselves. He is our...

Stand Your Ground

When we read Ephesians 6:10-18, the Bible tells us how to fight against the enemy. We are given the armor of God and told to put it on to take our stand against the devil’s schemes. Time and time again, it tells us to “stand”: stand firm, stand your...

The Potter

The Bible is filled with verses about pottery and clay. We see this imagery of being shaped by our Father’s hands, molded into His likeness, and filled with His love. 2 Corinthians 4:7 says, “we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this...

By Faith, not by Sight

If we walked through our days using our physical eyes, we would walk in fear. We would feel without hope, lost in a world where darkness is winning and joy will not come in the morning.But when we walk by faith, we can hope in the One who is walking with us. We can...

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