
Ever use a road map or GPS? They are helpful when you’re trying to find your way, especially when you’re lost. And sometimes our travels are tricky, with detours and road closings and back-ups.But where do you turn when you’re feeling lost in your...


Each morning when we wake up, we have a choice–to follow our feelings or our faith. We have a choice to follow the world or God’s Word. We can choose to grieve our circumstances or be grateful for another day. A choice to live in fear or trust in the One who is...


May we extend what we ourselves have been given. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” ~ Romans 3:23-24Have a beautiful Sunday! God bless!


Remember today that you are marked by God. You are designed for greatness and have been given a mission to amplify this hope and life to everyone you meet. Believe He has a plan for you. Believe it will come together in His timing and for His glory. Believe and in the...


Not many people have ever seen a real iceberg. Maybe you’ve seen ice and frozen waves across smaller lakes and Lake Michigan, but not the ice that floats in the Arctic Ocean or the North Atlantic. Those icebergs range from 3 to 200 feet above sea level and can...

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