The Trade

Here is an illuminating illustration by Kenneth Hagin on worry and what it looks like to let it go.”If I had three dollars in my billfold, and I gave them to you, I wouldn’t have them anymore. Then if someone came along and said, ‘Brother Hagin,...

A New Creation

Our world looks at brokenness as a weakness. If something is broken, it no longer has value and can be thrown out. But God looks at brokenness as an opportunity. When we let down our pride and independence and admit that we are broken and nothing without God, we make...

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

How often do we start out confidently, walking on top of our situations, and then begin to sink? I’ve been like Peter, invited to come and walk towards Jesus, but as soon as I get out of the boat and start my journey toward Him, I see the wind and the waves. But...

Sunday Blessings

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.They will be like a tree planted by the waterthat sends out its roots by the stream.It does not fear when heat comes;its leaves are always green.It has no worries in a year of droughtand...


If you were to ask a gardener when they prune their fruit trees, they would say, “in the early spring, before buds breakthrough and while trees are still dormant.” Farmers and gardeners prune for many reasons. Not only does this allow sunlight to enter the...

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