God’s Favorite Letter

God’s favorite letter has got to be R:rise, renew, rebuild, regenerate, return, raise, rejoice, redeemed, repair, revelation, real, reap, receive, reconcile, recover, refine, refuge, reign, relationship, rely, repentance, replenish, reside, rest, reward, riches,...

God Doesn’t Keep Score

Did you know that God doesn’t keep score? He doesn’t add up all the things we’ve done wrong and all of the mistakes we’ve made. When we ask for and receive His forgiveness, “he has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the...

Are you looking for God?

Have you ever asked, “Where are you, God?” I have, and during this painful season, I had many questions for Him. Questions like, where are You, and why have you left me? And while I couldn’t see past my one pain, I couldn’t see that God never...

“I’m Fine.”

The word “fine” was in my vocabulary for years. If I could just keep my head above water, letting everyone think that I had it all together, I would eventually be “fine” and no one would be the wiser. But the enemy of my soul had me right where...

A Prayer for Today

Father God,Thank you for today! Help me remember that my worth is not made up of the things I collect while I’m here on this earth, but that I am Yours, created in Your image. Thank you for the love of my family and friends. Thank you for what You’re doing...

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