Sometimes when people say “yes” to Jesus, they think they will never face sin or hardship again. They don’t believe they will be affected by the decay of this world and the constant pull to satisfy themselves.But the fact is that when we say yes to...

The Bride of Christ

Growing up, I was always confused when we discussed the bride of Christ. “Who was the bride?” “When is she getting married?” “Who is she marrying?” These were just some of my questions. But it wasn’t until the last couple of...

Saul’s Conversion

Do you remember the story of Saul? He was persecuting the early church and breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. While traveling on the road to Damascus, Saul encountered Jesus, who sent him into the city to wait for further instructions....

What Do Our Bibles Look Like?

Charles Spurgeon wrote these words. He was a Baptist preacher who died in 1892. His words struck my heart this week and make me ask us today, “What do OUR Bibles look like?” If God’s Word is our GPS while living in this broken world, if this is where...

Power of Prayer

Do we forget the power of prayer? Often we are distracted in our day-to-day battles, trying to navigate in our own strength, and forget what we are promised as Children of God. When we pray, we can enter the throne room of God. By faith, we submit our prayers to our...

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