
Is it sometimes hard to pray? Is it hard to find the words to talk with someone you cannot see, and who feels a million miles away? First of all, don’t believe the lie. The enemy will tell you anything to keep you from talking to God. “You don’t have...

Ezekiel 37:4

My friends, it’s time to wake up! It’s time to hear the Word of the Lord and receive it so that it penetrates our soul and spirits, joint and marrow. Let it be a catalyst to spark a revival and prepare the way for the coming King – JESUS! “Then...

Closed Doors

I use to hate closed doors. I would stand and knock, ferociously pushing against the door, doing everything I could to bust through. I would spend hours devising plans, wasting all of my energy on that one door. But that was before I believed that the Lord had a...


I’ve looked out many windows in my lifetime, from the seat of an airplane, a car, a hospital room, and into the what-ifs of life. Each moment came with different feelings and emotions as I tried to discern my next step.But there was one constant. While each view...

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