
Deep Waters

Nowhere in the Bible does it say we won’t have storms in life. Actually, there are plenty of references to storms, deep water, raging seas, seasons of want, dry deserts, and times of great battle. But in every situation, God promises us that He will be there. He...

The Domino Effect

Have you ever played with or watched dominoes? I’ve seen some unique designs, and when you push that first one, they all come crashing down. This image reminds me of dominoes but also of the effect sin has on our lives. We can take great care in building our...

God’s Timing

What if we would always believe that God is moving in His perfect timing? What peace we would have in the waiting! What joy knowing it was God’s will for us! What faith we could hold onto, knowing and believing how much He loves all of us. Time: spend some time...

We Can Always Return

It doesn’t take much to walk off the path. We can easily get distracted by something, turn our eyes, and our feet will follow. As easy as it is to change direction; it can sometimes feel overwhelming to return. And it doesn’t always have to be moving toward something...


Waiting is hard. And it’s easy to get ahead of ourselves and work on our agenda while we’re waiting for God. We stand in the hallway, waiting for a door to open, and we say to ourselves, “I’ll help God out. Then it will go a little...

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